Sunday, October 17, 2010

How & Why To Use

Social networking is definitely very popular nowadays because it allows you to connect with other people on the web, share your ideas by writing what you think, your opinion and even what you feel on your wall or in the box which allows you to write what you want to share. LinkedIn is one of very popular social networking site today, unlike Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn specialized more in creating list of contact details of people that you may know and trust to do business with, otherwise known as your connections. By simply using your connections, you can promote your business on the site, find like minded people and even find jobs on the site with the help of your connections. In other words, if your looking for a site that will help you promote your business or when your looking for a job LinkedIn is the site for you. Now, how does this site works? The video below will surely helps you create and maintain your LinkedIn account.